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Eva Chatelain dessin

Welcome to my studio, my name is Eva and I've been an illustrator since 2011.
I was lucky to grow up in a family of musicians and to live in an artistic world.
I've always loved drawing and I studied illustration in Paris.
I play music since childhood and I make my own songs and tunes, that I record in my peaceful home in Normandy (France).
I've illustrated many books for several publishing houses from France and abroad (United States, United Kingdom, South Korea, Belgium), but for some time now I've decided to self-publish my own projects, in order to be able to mix all my artistic media and to have a complete creative freedom.
I often share my process on Instagram and YouTube and from now on I'm also making music and drawing live on Twitch.

From time to time, I send a newsletter (written in French), feel free to subscribe to know about my current projects (new books, works in progress, artistic experiments, etc.).


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Eva Chatelain enfant dessin
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